Card and Envelope Designs

A series of card and enveloped designs. The envelopes were hand lettered, whilst the card lettering was done by hand and then digitized on the computer and cleaned up.

Sam's card was the first to be made. The enveloped caused me some grief due to the size of the cartridge paper I had to use. The card itself was A5, and the enveloped had to be made from A2 paper.

Final design coloured.

Envelope and detail of lettering

Having made Sam's card, her husbands was somewhat easier. The black and white I felt suited his design side perfectly. Plus the envelope looked very nice when finished. It was made from the insert of a portfolio sleeve, which has a sugar paper side and glossy side. So I used the glossy side for the lettering. The lettering was done with white gouache paint and a size 2 sable brush.

Close up detail of envelope.

The card lettering started out as black lettering on white paper before being digitized and inverted in Photoshop.

Detail of Card

Card and envelope finished.

The envelope was done with sable brush and white Gouache paint.

This was made for a good friend who works at my local pub Natalie.  It was hand lettered with a Pentel Brush Pen.

Close up of the envelope.

Details of the card in close up.

Birthday card for another friend who works at my local pub

Card for my Grandma's 90th Birthday.